07 February 2014


“The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But...the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”

― Martin Luther King Jr.







27 December 2013


這幾天放年假,時間比較多,就拿起擱置快半年的一本講韓戰的書,The Coldest Winter,來翻閱。正好讀到講起日本殖民韓國 (朝鮮) 的那段時間,對韓國的隨後的政治、思想以及整體氛圍帶來諸多影響。晚上和南韓朋友聊天時,隨口問了她對這段歷史的看法。她說,不同政黨對這段歷史的說法不一,而對於民間來說,已經隔了兩三代的時間,「那已經是很久以前的事情了」,她如是說。






27 August 2013



第一本是 David Lindsay 寫的 《Scientific Writing = Thinking in Words》

在這本書裡,David 從科學寫作的幾大迷思開始破起,例如,覺得自己英文很爛所以不敢寫文章?對此,他指出,科學英文和一般的英文是不一樣的,英文母語者就跟非母語者一樣得努力學習 (編按,所以非母語者別再用這當藉口啦!)。接著他在書的前半部分分別介紹了簡介、方法、結果和討論各部分。許多相關的寫作書,都只會說各部分該有哪些東西和哪些特質,但是在這本書中,David 直接告訴我們該如何下筆、如何去蕪存菁。書的後半部分則簡要介紹了其他的科學發表途徑,包含海報制作、該怎麼寫 review,科普寫作以及論文寫作。

本書內文只有薄薄的 113 面,David 的寫作風格明快風趣,所以相當好讀。目前我遇過曾經讀過這本書的人,都發現這本書很有用。我去年幫實驗室的部落格寫了一篇簡要的文章來推薦這本書,不嫌棄的話歡迎看看 (http://sparrow.otago.ac.nz/index.php/blog/34-general/148-book-review-scientific-writing-thinking-in-words)。

第二本是 Adrian Wallwork 的 《English for Writing Research Papers》

這本書開宗明義就說,非英語母語者應該會覺得這本書很好用!Adrian 也確實在書中各處詳細地提點出許多非母語者比較常犯的錯誤,包含複雜文法以及一些微妙的、英文為母語者也無法解釋的潛規則。最棒的是,Adrian 超愛舉例,所以別擔心看文字說明有點霧煞煞,他通常會附上一兩則例子為讀者說明。

不過這本書有些小小的缺點。例如,Adrian 在章節一中提到的常犯錯誤,他可能自己在章節二中就犯了這些毛病。另外還有些文法和拼字錯誤,如果有第二版的話,希望這些問題能夠被改正。



12 June 2013

Dalai Lama's talk in Dunedin, NZ

I was lucky to attend to Dalai Lama's public talk today, in the town hall in Dunedin.

Really nice talk in general, full of wisdom, deep thoughts and a sense of humour. However I was expecting for more addressing on religious, specifically about Tibetan Buddhism - the central concept of Tibetan Buddhism is based on the same Buddhist doctrine shared with other Buddhisms, but the practical system of Tibetan Buddhism is then so different from the others. How exactly Tibetan Buddhism interpret the Buddhist doctrine is something that can really trigger my interests. Too shame there were not much about this part today.

But still it is a good talk and I really enjoyed his holy wisdom. Here are some notes I took over the talk:

  • All religious serves the same purpose - to bring love, compassion, peace and happiness for human beings (the world?). Since all religious serves the same purpose, religious should be to improve harmonious in the world, instead of becoming the cause of conflicts.   
  • All people are born to be the same. When looking at other people, or talking about ourselves, trying talking about the similarity. Once a person address on the difference, suddenly there will be distance between this person the the rest of the world.
  • Some one asked how should we maintain our inner peace when there are outer disturbance from the others? Dalai Lama said, when things like this happen, we can analyse the situation - while the focal person is disturbing you, this person is in a negative emotion, which is not this person's normal phase. Once you are aware of this fact, do you want to response to the no-normal phase of this person? The response can be divided into two parts: the actor and the action. As the actor you want to stop the disturbance and the negative emotion, and the action is forgiveness. 
  • Widen the horizon of your vision! When you look at the world or the problem through a narrow hole, it is very likely you will take it too seriously, which can bring stress, competition,conflicts and all sorts of negative emotions. However, if you are aware of that the world is huge, you will then realize the problem is tiny, and there is always a way to solve it (with peace and harmonious).
I totally agree with all four of them!! The first two are very similar to my personal point of view. However I am also aware that people from different communities have different traditions, values, and that the same behaviour or wording can mean very differently in different societies. Therefore, to practice the first two is very difficult. The third point, is probably the most traditional Buddhist concept over today's talk. It shares the similar point of view with Zen Buddhism. I highly recommend the books written by Master Sheng-yen* if any one is interested in this concept. 

There are other notes I took, but I couldn't recall them now without the paper-based note in hand. May add-on in the future.

To sum up, it was great to see Dalai Lama in person. It was really difficult to get the ticket, but fortunately I got one the night before. Lucky me!! :)

*Master Sheng-yen is the single most holy Master I have ever known. His words are full of wisdom, compassion, happiness and humour. Too shame that the Western World doesn't know much about the Master. But if there are any chance, and that you are interested in Buddhism or Zen, please please do read his books!! :)




  • 所有的宗教都有相同的目的:為人類(世界?)帶來愛、慈悲、和平和愉悅。既然所有的宗教都有相同的目的,宗教應該能用以增進世界的和諧,而非作為衝突的來源。
  • 所有人生來都是相同的。當看著其它人,或描述自己的時候,應該要多著重在相同之處。一但一個人著墨於自己和他人之間的相異處,突然間這個人和其他人之間就會產生許多的距離。
  • 有個人問說,當有外界的干擾,我們該如何保持內心的平靜?達賴喇嘛說,當這類事情發生時,我們應該要分析一下情況。當有個人試圖干擾你,這個人很有可能處於負面情緒中,而並不在他平常的狀態。一旦你理解這層道理,你就能決定自己是否要回應這個人的負面情緒。而回應又能分成兩個部分,角色和行為。角色上你要去停止這個負面情況和干擾,而行為上你能夠選擇原諒。
  • 擴展你的視野!當你從一個小縫去窺探這個世界或問題的時候,你很容易會過度放大問題,而引發壓力、競爭、衝突以及種種負面情緒。然而,若是你能察覺這個世界很寬廣,從一個比較寬廣的角度來看同一件事情,你就會發現這問題其實很小,而你總能找到個 (和平的) 方法去解決它。




23 November 2012





而我 2006 年才開始學演化,2010 年才決定今後要研究演化,真正開始接觸行為生態的演化,更僅僅是過去這一兩年的事情而已。學習的歷程還很短,至今還未滿三十歲的我,又有什麼好等不及的呢?





19 August 2012

A quick ISBE 2012 Round-up

Feel like to write something but too tired to write a proper blog, so just listed some points:

The WOW moments:

  1. Super excited when listen to some amazing research.
  2. Listened to some fun debating among senior researchers about scientific points of view.
  3. Had some interesting discussion about what me or other people are going to do next to dig into current problems/questions.
  4. Listened to some exciting discussion among other PhD students and senior researchers.
  5. Attended to the talks given by three researchers that I admire a lot (Bart Kempenaers, David McDonald and Erik Postma) all on the same day and happened to have dinner with David that evening!  (I think I was as happy as a silly fan...)
  6. Had a chat with Bart about my work!!  Thanks to his suggestions!!
  7. I did not forget what I did with my project due to nerve and my brain did not go blank, so I think my oral presentation went better than I expected!!
  8. Met a PhD student studying in shorebirds in Barrow!!!! Talked about Barrow with someone who likes that place too is amazing, and geeee I super miss my dreamland!!!
  9. Totally lose the ability of expressing myself clearly in English because tiredness... Wow the logic is abandoning me... Orz

Fun moments:

  1. Got to know some nice and interesting people, and even make friends with some of them!!
  2. Really enjoyed hanging out with my group mates from Otago and their friends from Brazil!! (kind of repeated in point 1)
  3. Fall in love with Lund. A friendly and charming university town.


  1. Motivated and want to speed up writing manuscript and doing some more analyses.
  2. Super exhausted after a 7 days of conference - 6 days of main conference plus one day of post-conference symposium, though I was 100% saturated with talks and left a bit early on the last day...


  1. Supervisors and group mates for the comments and suggestions for my talk.
  2. Group mates for making sure I would not get lost!
  3. The five different funding and the financial support from my main supervisor for me to attend this ISBE in Sweden. (Two of the five funding are also for the field work in UK.  Much appreciated!)

The world is huge, I want to keep exploring it!