07 March 2010

Libera / You were there


Soloist: Tom Cully

You were there in everything I knew
From the moment I began.
Always there in every way I go.
Saved me falling, held my hand.
You are shelter from the storm.
The shadows fade away, all cares pass away.

As hour by hour, day by day
Your love lightens up the sky
As it shines across the night.

Ave, regina caelorum decora
Virgo gloriosa, ave!

And when the end of day is come,
Stay with me through the dark and bring me home.

You are there whichever way I go.
Keep me safely night and day.
Always there, whenever I'm alone,
Hear me calling, show the way.
You are shelter from the storm,
The shadows fade away, all cares pass away.

As hour by hour, day by day;
Your love lightens up the sky
As it shines across the night.

Ave, regina caelorum decora
Virgo gloriosa, ave!

And when the end of day is come,
Stay with me through the dark and bring me home.

Thanks, Jamie. What a beautiful song. :)
這是日劇 [誰都不能保護我] 的主題曲,由配樂家村松崇繼和合唱團 Libera 合作。我沒看過這部,不過根據 介紹,劇情似乎在探討些有趣的議題。劇情內飽含了社會和媒體的輿論壓力甚或是暴力,或許還有很多現實的殘酷面。為這樣的劇情,搭配上美麗又平穩的主題曲,光用想像的,就很有畫龍點睛之妙。
即使沒看過該齣劇,仍絲毫不減這首歌的魅力。Libera 合唱團,尤其是負責獨唱的 Tom Cully,聲音像天使般乾淨甜美,讓人聽著聽著,就忘了自己在那兒了...。
等等來聽 [放牛班的春天] 的原聲帶吧 :)

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